
The Institute

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I+D + i

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infrastructure of IDeTIC

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IDeTIC Corporate Video


The Centro Tecnológico para la Innovación en Comunicaciones CeTIC® (Technological Centre for Innovation in Communications) was transformed into the Instituto para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en Comunicaciones IDeTIC® (Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications) on March 21st 2010 (BOC- 25th March 2010). The IDetIC is a University Research Institute that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

The CeTIC was created in 2006 by joining three Research Groups, with more than 10 years of experience, to which two new groups were incorporated in early 2009. In addition, during the creation processes of the CeTIC in 2006 and IDeTIC in 2010, we have been nationally assessed by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva ANEP (Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Foresight), obtaining the highest grade in both cases.



The IDeTIC has an education plan directed to Research, Development and Innovation (I+D+i) in matters involving Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and associated to each research areas that comprise the Institute. This plan focuses on the following basic lines:

  • Training grants

The grants have an annual periodicity and they are directed to train students in their last years of university in Research, Development and Innovation. The students come from different degrees (Bachelor, Master, or Licenciatura, Spanish old bachelor), so that a training plan is organized according to their knowledge and the I+D+i activities of the involved Division

  • Collaboration grants

These grants are announced for the student staff or recent graduates which has an established track record at the IDeTIC as far as available funds permit it. The purpose of these grants goal is to strengthen a more stable existing collaboration until it is possible to create a stable funding (either through public call for HR or through public or private research projects.

  • Support for Research

There are multi-annual call aids that can be applied by non-teaching staff of the IDeTIC, if they reach certain targets to increase the I+D+i performance of the IDeTIC.

  • Teaching offer

The Master in ICT Solutions for Welfare and Environment (BIMeTIC) provides

A cross-cutting and open proposal that expands the possibilities of training for companies, researchers and independent professionals.

  • Teaching activities

In Schools, Faculties and Departments of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria where the Institute staff carry out their teaching.

All teaching activities,that directly depends on the IDeTIC, are subjected to different protocols detailed in the Sistema de Garantía de Calidad (Quality Assurance System).