
The Institute

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infrastructure of IDeTIC

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IDeTIC Corporate Video


The Centro Tecnológico para la Innovación en Comunicaciones CeTIC® (Technological Centre for Innovation in Communications) was transformed into the Instituto para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en Comunicaciones IDeTIC® (Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications) on March 21st 2010 (BOC- 25th March 2010). The IDetIC is a University Research Institute that belongs to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

The CeTIC was created in 2006 by joining three Research Groups, with more than 10 years of experience, to which two new groups were incorporated in early 2009. In addition, during the creation processes of the CeTIC in 2006 and IDeTIC in 2010, we have been nationally assessed by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva ANEP (Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Foresight), obtaining the highest grade in both cases.



El próximo viernes 9 de octubre de 2020 a las 10:00 am. se procederá a la lectura y defensa del Trabajo Fin de Máster "Diseño e implementación de una plataforma web para la publicación de videos y documentos PDF" del estudiante David Rodríguez Aguiar del Máster Universitario "Soluciones TIC para el bienestar y medioambiente (BIMeTIC)". La lectura y defensa será online utilizando la herramienta Microsoft Teams.

Autor: David Rodríguez Aguiar
Tutores: David Sánchez Rodríguez y Jesús Alonso Hernández

Presidenta: Itziar G. Alonso González
Secretario: Pedro Quintana Morales
Vocal: Antonio Gabriel Ravelo García